MPSYGA Public Service Transformation Framework 2017-2022 (2017)

The Public Service Transformation Framework is a great milestone in the Public Sector Reforms. This Framework ushers in a new phase of reforms guided by the Constitution and the Kenya Vision 2030. It takes into account the aspirations of global and regional frameworks including Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the African Union Agenda 2063. For…

MPSYGA Public Service Delivery Innovation Strategy 2017

The Public Service Delivery Innovation Strategy is part of a broader effort to modernize public services in Kenya. It demonstrates the priority Government has placed on the role of innovation. The Strategy seeks to harness and mainstream public service delivery innovation across the public service to deliver effective, equitable and quality services for the achievement…

MPSYGA Norms and Standards for Management of Human Resource in the Public Service 2017

The development of the Norms and Standards for Management of the Human Resource in the Public Service, under the guidance of the Inter-Governmental Steering Committee, is a key milestone as it provides the tool for repositioning the Human Resource Management for efficient service delivery. The Public Service is one of the Cornerstone in the Implementation…

MPSYGA Competency Framework for the Public Service 2017

The Government recognizes that an efficient and effective Public Service is a major driver in the realisation of the aspirations of Kenyans for timely and cost-effective delivery of public services. The development of theCompetency Framework for the Public Service is a step forward in transforming the Public Serviceand represents a paradigm shift in the management…

MPSYGA Human Resource Strategy Framework for the Public Service 2017

The Government recognizes that the human resource is the engine that drives the socio-economic transformation of the Country. For the human resource to effectively steer the transformation process, there is need for strategies to be put in place to optimize its utilization. The development of the Human Resource Strategy Framework for the Public Service is…

MOH National Cancer Control Strategy 2017-2022

Article 43 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 confers on every person the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including repro- ductive health care. Towards achieving this commitment, this second cancer control strategy builds on the achievements of the first national cancer strategy (2011-2016). It…

MICT Kenya National Broadband Strategy 2018-2023

Broadband has in recent years impacted and transformed peoples’ lives in different ways and continues to shape the modern economy. However, there continues to exist certain challenges such as digital divide in accessing broadband services that have somewhat negated the broadband imprint envisioned in the first National Broadband Strategy (2013-2017) that aimed at transforming Kenya…

MOH Best Practicies in Health Sector Open the door to innovative practices 2014/2015 (2017)

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 enshrines the right to the highest attainable standard of Health, and further entrenches the principles of service delivery such as efficiency, transparency, accountability and equity. The Government of Kenya is committed to progressively achieve the right to health and further committed to improving access to quality and equitable health care…