MPSYGA Public Service Substance Abuse Workplace Policy 2017

A survey conducted by National Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse Authority (2012) indicates the lifetime usage of alcohol in the Public Sector is at 57.9%, which is markedly higher than the National average at 39.2%. This is likely to hamper quality service delivery and realization of Vision 2030. Workplace substance abuse has the potential…

MPSYGA Public Service Guidance and Counselling Policy 2017

The Kenya Government has continuously developed and implemented policies geared towards the well-being of the public servants. As a result, in 2008 the Government developed the Public Service Guidance and Counselling Policy. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, in Article 43. (1a) provides that every Kenyan has the right to the highest attainable standard of health,…

MPSYGA Public Sector Workplace Policy on HIV & AIDS 2017

HIV and AIDS is a public health, socio-economic and developmental challenge that has adversely impacted on various sectors of the economy. It is estimated that approximately 1.6 million Kenyans are living with HIV in the country (KDHS, 2014). The Public Sector has also been affected. This has negatively impacted on the public servants’ productivity which…

MOH Lifestyle diseases an increasing cause of health loss 2017

Kenya in undergoing an epidemiological transition marked by a decline in morbidity and mortality due to communicable conditions, and an increase in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which include diseases such as diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory infections. The second strategic objective of KHSSP 2014-2018 targets to halt and reverse the rising…

MENR Kenya Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2017-2027 (2016)

Kenya’s economy is highly dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, fisheries, forestry and energy. Approximately 80% of Kenya’s population is directly and indirectly dependent on rain-fed agriculture for basic livelihoods. The most vulnerable sectors happen to be the agricultural and water sectors where land degradation remains a major threat to the provision of…

MENR Intended Actions in the Transport Sector to Achieve Kenya’s INDC (13 October 2016)

Climate change is likely to damage transport infrastructure in Kenya through higher temperatures, heavy rainfall and more severe storms. Coastal roads, railways, airports and ports are vulnerable to sea level rise. These changes could increase the risk of delays, disruptions, damage, and failure across land-based, air, and marine transportation systems. Most transportation infrastructure being built…

MENR Kenya’s Intended National Determined Contribution (October 2016)

Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade signed the Paris Agreement on behalf of the Government of Kenya on 22 April 2016. By signing, Kenya has expressed its willingness to consent to the text of the Paris agreement and has the effect of obligating Kenya to refrain, in good faith, from acts that…