MOH Pathways to optimal health infrastructure in Kenya 2018

The constitution of Kenya 2010 and vision 2030 has spelled out the right to the attainment of the highest standard of health to the citizen which calls for a comprehensive effective and efficient infrastructure development. Making critical steps in infrastructure investments are primarily to support sustainable development goals considering the following key principles; – Promoting…

MOH National Physical Activity Action Plan 2018-2023

Although Kenyans enjoy comparatively good health, the prevalence of chronic disease is increasing and our ageing population is placing ever- growing pressures on the finite resources of our health system. Improving the uptake of physical activity at a population level can play a vital role in relieving these pressures. Physical activity can be preventative as…

MLPP Sessional Paper No 1 of 2017 on National Land Use Policy

As provided for by Article 260 of the Constitution, Land in Kenya is defined as the surface of the earth and the subsurface rock, any body of water on or under the surface, marine waters in the territorial sea and exclusive economic zones, natural resources completely contained on or under the surface and the airspace…

NEMA Gender Assessment in Oil and Gas Sector in Kenya November 2017

This report provides a detailed and comprehensive Gender Assessment study of Kenya’s Oil and Gas sector to determine the impacts of the growth of the sector, and to make recommendations on how to mainstream gender into the project and sector. The report identifies gaps, risks, and mitigating factors that present a threat or challenge as…