MGCSD Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS 2009

The development of this policy has been necessitated by the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS in the Ministry. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years, who constitute the workforce. The illness and subsequent deaths of workers resulting from HIV and AIDS, has an enormous impact on…

PPOA Public Procurement and Disposal General Manual 1st Edition (March 2009)

The Public Procurement and Disposal General Manual (PPDGM) has been issued by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) for the purpose of: Providing guidance to public officials who are responsible for the public procurement processes, Auditors, Public Finance Managers, Accountants and Administrators in their everyday work relating to public procurement. It is also expected to…

MSSP National Policy for Disaster Management (draft-2009)

Kenya’s disaster profile is dominated by droughts, fire, floods, terrorism, technological accidents, diseases and epidemics that disrupt people’s livelihoods, destroy the infrastructure, divert planned use of resources, interrupt economic activities and retard development. In the pursuit of reducing vulnerabilities to risks, the Government has formulated this National Policy on Disaster Management to institutionalise mechanisms for…

National Museum of Kenya Strategic Plan 2009-2014

Kenya’s National Heritage is manifested in its rich natural, cultural and pre-historic wealth and diversity. The diverse cultures constitute a national asset and have a bearing on the progress of Kenya’s development. The National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament with a legal mandate for heritage management…

MPHS and MMS National Guidelines on Management of Sexual Violence in Kenya 2nd Edition 2009

Sexual violence is a serious health and human rights problem in Kenya. Sexual violence affects men and women, boys and girls and has adverse physical and psycho-social consequences on the survivor. The post election violence experienced in 2008 following the disputed 2007 presidential elections, that saw a wave of sexual abuse targeted at women and…

MGCSD-Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming 2008

This is a standard Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming developed in June, 2008. It is informed by the findings of a Training Needs Assessment and consultations with various stakeholders engaged in development activities. These cut across all the three sectors of society including the Public Sector, Government Ministries and State Corporations; Civil Society Organizations (NGOs,…