MEMR National Climate Change Response Strategy (2010)

The integration of climate information into Government policies is important because climate is a major driving factor for most of the economic activities in Kenya. Climate information has, however, not been easily understandable. The same has not been adequately factored into most of the sectors of the country’s economy including Government development policies and plans.…

MPHS and MMS-National Guidelines on Essential Newborn Care 2010

The single most powerful conclusion from the analysis of child survival and intervention packaging is the realization of the potential of newborn care interventions in reducing child mortality. Childhood mortality can be reduced by eliminating neonatal death from preventable causes, i.e., severe infection, asphyxia and preterm and low birth weight. In Africa, about 265,000 women…

Constitution of Kenya 2010

PREAMBLE We, the people of Kenya ACKNOWLEDGING the supremacy of the Almighty God of all creation: HONOURING those who heroically struggled to bring freedom and justice to our land: PROUD of our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, and determined to live in peace and unity as one. indivisible sovereign nation: RESPECTFUL of the environment, which is our heritage, and determined to sustain it for the…

NEMA Low Sulphur Fuels and Clean Vehicles (November 2009)

The biggest air quality problem in developing countries is air pollution in urban areas. It is estimated that 800,000, people die prematurely each year from urban air pollution. Most of these premature deaths occur in developing countries. As vehicle traffic grows, the health and economic toll of poor air quality continues to mount on the…

ML Sessional Paper No 3 of 2009 on National Land Policy

The formulation of a comprehensive National Land Policy commenced in February 2004. In April 2007, a Draft National Land Policy was adopted by stakeholders through a National Symposium. The Seventh Cabinet meeting held on 25th June, 2009 approved the Draft National Land Policy and directed the Minister for Lands to proceed with the preparation of…

MF External Public Debt Register 30 June 2009

The Ministry of Finance is providing the following information on external public debt as part of the ongoing initiative to disseminate comprehensive information on economic and financial management to the general public.

MF Medium Term Debt Management Strategy 2009-2012 (June 2009)

The current global financial crisis and changing outlook for sources of external finance highlights the importance of developing domestic market. The high volatility of interest rates and exchange rates require that the cost of borrowing should be properly assessed and measures taken to mitigate risks. The slowdown in economic growth witnessed during the financial year…