MEF Draft Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS April 2019

HIV and AIDS has posed a great challenge in the world while affecting the Human Resource that nations rely on for sustainable development. It affects people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years, who constitute the most productive workforce. The loss of skilled manpower, wasted man hours and declining individual wellness amongst…

MEF National E-Waste Management Strategy (2019)

In the past few years, the governments have been calling for universal affordable access to Information communication technology without putting in place measures that will ensure safe disposal and E-Waste management implementation plans safer to our environment. The raising concerns arising from this uptake is what has driven the Ministry of Environment and Forestry strategy…

ME Sessional Paper No 1 of 2019 on a Policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya

Education and training is the primary means of social mobility, national cohesion and socio- economic development. Since independence, the Government of Kenya has been committed to the provision of education and training to her citizens. Kenya, like other parts of the world, has experienced the impact of globalization thus increasing inter- dependence between and within…

MENR The Sustainable Waste Management Bill 2019

AN ACT of Parliament to establish an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the efficient and sustainable management of waste in the framework of the green economy, the realization of the zero waste goal, the realization of the Constitutional provision on the right to a clean and healthy environment for all, and for connected purposes.

MENR Draft Meteorology Bil 2019

AN ACT of Parliament to provide for regulation, co-ordination, monitoring, management, provision and control of meteorological services and for connected purposes.