ME National Research Priorities 2018-2022

The Kenya Vision 2030 recognizes the critical role played by research and development in accelerating economic development and proposes to intensify the application of Science, Technology and Innovation to raise productivity and efficiency levels across the economic, social and political pillars of the Vision. The generation of new knowledge through scientific research underpins the realization…

MEF National Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining 10 per cent tree Cover by 2022 (May 2019)

This strategy, which is aligned to the National Forest Programme, is  a cross-sectoral framework that provides for: Broad Institutional and multi-stakeholder participation in accelerating the achievement of the Constitutional target of 10% tree cover of the national land area as provided under Article 69 (1) (b). Implementation of Presidential Directives that the Constitutional target of…

MEF Meteorology Policy (Draft) May 2019

Meteorological services in Kenya have been provided without an Act of Parliament. In the absence of the Act, there has been lack of effective regulation on provision of meteorological services and clear guidelines on resource mobilization and revenue collection. The presence of multiple players in observation and provision of weather and climate information is a…

MEF National Sustainable Waste Management Policy (Draft) April 2019

Waste is a resource that can be managed to achieve economic, social and environmental benefits. Addressing the waste management challenge effectively in Kenya is critical to delivering on Kenya’s constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment for all, advancing the circular economy to create green jobs and wealth from the waste sector, and realisation…