Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2013

This Budget Review and Outlook Paper (BROP) is the first one to be prepared under the County Government of Makueni since the formation of the County Government following the March, 2013 General Elections based on the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Under the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 Section 118 each County Government is required to…

Makueni County Annual Development Plan FY 2013/2014

The Kenya Constitution, 2010, provides for two distinct and interdependent levels of government – the national and the county governments. The County Government Act, 2012 states that each county shall prepare a County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) which shall be the basis for all budgeting and spending of public funds. It also states that a…

2013 Makueni County Annual Development Plan

FOREWARD The Kenya Constitution, 2010, provides for two distinct and interdependent levels of government – the national and the county governments. The County Government Act, 2012 states that each county shall prepare a County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) which shall be the basis for all budgeting and spending of public funds. It also states that…

Marsabit County Integrated Development Plan CIDP FY 2013 – 2017

FOREWARD The Constitution of Kenya 2010 created two levels of government – national and county. Article 220(2) of the Constitution makes it mandatory for every county to prepare development plans. Following the principles stated in the Constitution, development planning at the counties should be based on integrated national values, equity, resource mobilization and concerns of…