Baringo County Fiscal Strategy Paper FY 2014-2015 (2014)

The 2014/15 county fiscal strategy paper is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2012; section 117. This fiscal strategy paper is framed against a broad fiscal policy and reform measures underpinning the budget for the year 2014/15, outlining expenditures on priority programmes and allocation of resources as per each…

Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan 2014

The Constitution of Kenya (2010), County Governments Act (2012), the Transition to Devolved Government Act (2012), the Public Finance Management Act (2012), the Urban Areas and Cities Act (2011), the Intergovernmental Relations Act (2012) and the National Government Coordination Act (2012) guide governance at both the National and County levels and sets the modalities of…

Homa Bay County Abattoirs Bill

The overriding objectives of the act include; protecting human health, controlling livestock and zoonotic diseases, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery, strengthening legal and regulatory framework, quality assurance and post slaughter handling of animal products and improving access and standards for local and international markets.

2014 Makueni County Annual Development Plan

FOREWARD The Kenya Constitution, 2010, provides for two distinct and interdependent levels of government – the national and the county governments. The County Government Act, 2012 states that each county shall prepare a County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) which shall be the basis for all budgeting and spending of public funds. It also states that…

2014 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper (2014)

FOREWORD The Makueni 2014 County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the first to be prepared. The CFSP sets out the priorities of the County in the medium term as outlined in the County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017) and aligned with the Second Medium Term Plan of the Vision 2030. The CFSP outlines the key government interventions…

Laikipia County Revenue Board Bill 2014

AN ACT of County Assembly of Laikipia to provide for the establishment of the County Revenue Board as a body for the assessment and collection of revenue, for the administration and enforcement of laws relating to Revenue within the county and to provide for connected purposes.

Laikipia County Wards Development Bill 2014

AN ACT of County Assembly of Laikipia to provide for the establishment of a Fund for promoting development in the Wards and to set up institutional framework for coordinating development initiatives and projects in the Wards, and for connected purposes.

2013 Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper

BACKGROUND This Budget Review and Outlook Paper (BROP) is the first one to be prepared under the County Government of Makueni since the formation of the County Government following the March, 2013 General Elections based on the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Under the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 Section 118 each County Government is required…