Busia County Draft Data Protection Policy (2015)

As a public authority, the County Government of Busia (CGB) has an obligation to protect its information assets and, in particular, the information relating to its staff, stakeholders and other individuals in whatever form that information is held. The CGB is careful to ensure that personal information is properly safeguarded. The CGB and all those…

MALF Kenya Veterinary Policy Draft (April 2015)

The Veterinary Policy is provided for in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya. It aligns developments in the animal resource industry to the Constitution as well as the Kenya Vision 2030 and the international animal health laws, treaties, agreements and conventions ratified by Kenya. The overarching treaty is the World Trade Organization agreement…

MEWNR Forest Policy 2014

Forest resources in our country are valuable natural endowment that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. Forest resources offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services such as watershed protection and carbon sequestration. Kenya’s forest sector has experienced…

MEWNR Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy (December 2013)

The coastal area of Kenya is endowed with a rich variety of natural resources that form the socio-economic base of the region. The resources therein support multiple forms of uses including tourism, agriculture, shipping, fisheries and forestry, which make significant contributions to the local and national economy. For example, about 60% of the contribution of…

MEWNR National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy (2013)

Wetlands are natural or man‐made areas that are seasonally or permanently flooded with water and include swamps, marshes, bogs, shallow lakes, ox‐bow lakes, dams, riverbanks, floodplains, water catchment areas, fishponds, rice paddies, lakeshores, mangroves, sea grass beds, deltas, estuaries, coral reefs and seashores. In Kenya, wetlands occupy about 3% to 4% of the land surface,…

MEWNR National Education for Sustainable Development Policy (Draft -2013)

Environment and natural resources in Kenya are valuable national assets that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. They offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development and improved livelihoods as well as provision of environmental goods and services. There are many environmental issues and challenges facing the…

MEWNR National Environment Policy 2013

Environment and natural resources in Kenya are valuable national assets that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. They offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services. Despite being the foundation on which sustainable development is anchored, there are…

MF Policy Statement on Public Private Partnerships (November 2011)

The Government of Kenya (GOK) is currently implementing Vision 2030, the country’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. The aim of Vision 2030 is to transform Kenya into a newly industrialized middle-income country, providing high quality of life to all its citizens by the year 2030. This Vision 2030 aspires for a country…

MGCSD Gender Policy 2011

The vision of the Ministry is “A society where women, men, children and persons with disabilities enjoy equal rights, opportunities and a high quality of life.”6 The Ministry firmly believes that women, men, girls and boys are actors in and beneficiaries of development. Through this policy, the Ministry seeks to deepen its work around understanding…

MGCSD Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS 2009

The development of this policy has been necessitated by the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS in the Ministry. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years, who constitute the workforce. The illness and subsequent deaths of workers resulting from HIV and AIDS, has an enormous impact on…