Kitui County Annual Budget Implementation Report FY 2017-2018

This Budget Implementation Report is prepared in conformity with Article 228(6) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Section 39(8) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012’s requirement that counties report on the implementation progress of their budgets. The report presents revenue and expenditure performance by the County covering the period July 2017 to June…

Elgeyo Marakwet County Approved Budget Mwananchi Edition FY 2018-19

OVERVIEW Elgeyo Marakwet County is one of the County Governments in Kenya created under the new two-tier governance system, i.e. national and county systems created by the Constitution enacted in 2010. The County Government started implementing its mandates in March 2013 as per the provisions of the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution which came into…

Baringo County 4th Quarter Budget Implementation Status Report FY 2017- 2018

This fourth quarter report fulfils the county’s obligation under Section 166 of the Public Finance Management Act to prepare and publish quarterly budget implementation reports. The law specifies that these reports shall contain both financial and non-financial information. The report provide detail about revenue, expenditure, and capital projects. Information is provided at the program and…