2017 County Fiscal Strategy Paper

FOREWORD The 2017 Makueni County CFSP sets out broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the County Government in preparing the FY 2017/18 Budget. The broad focus of the paper is for wealth creation for socio-economic transformation as outlined in Vision 2025. The paper anchors development on the three Pillars identified in the…

Vihiga County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017

Foreword The Vihiga County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017 lays down the framework for the preparation of the 2017/2018 County budget in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act 2012, section 117. It sets out the County Government of Vihiga’s economic policies and key priority programs to be implemented in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)…

Vihiga County Debt Management Policy FY 2017 – 2018 – 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY County Governments are required by law to prepare a strategy to manage their debt – this fact is recognized by the Public Finance Management Act (2012) section 123 and its regulations sections 176 to 195 which requires submission of a Debt Management Strategy over the Medium Term to the County Assembly on or…

Makueni County 2017-18 Budget Implementation Report

INTRODUCTION The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for the Financial Year 2017/18, ending 30th June 2018. It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges. The County Government had an original budget of Kshs 7,893,639,169.00…

Makueni County Programme-Based Budget FY 2017 – 2018

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The FY 2017/18 budget is the last budget to implement the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-17. The budget is anchored on the County Government agenda of socio-economic transformation with a broad focus of ensuring ‘enough water for all Makueni residents. The budget is anchored on the strategies outlined in the County Vision…

Busia County Annual Development Plan FY 2017-2018

This is the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the 2017/2018 financial year as proposed by the respective departments of County Government of Busia. This work plan outlines the priority projects and programs to be implemented in FY 2017/2018 as proposed in the 2013-2017 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). The 2017/2018 Annual Development Plan picks up…