For many years in Kenya, limited knowledge and skills about basic aspects of sexuality, especially among health care providers, has been a major hindrance to the effective provision of reproductive health care. Health care professionals of all levels have long expressed a strong desire to receive training on the topic of human sexuality, in order to improve sexual and reproductive health services. Of specific concern was service provision in areas such as family planning (FP), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), and HIV care and support.
Development of this manual was informed by the results of a rapid assessment conducted in 2008 by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation and by FHI. This assessment evaluated the knowledge and capabilities of service providers in three provinces to offer comprehensive sexuality counselling to their clients. The final assessment report recommended the development of training materials aimed at sensitizing family planning and HIV service providers on the topic of sexuality.
The purpose of this curriculum is to improve service providers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills
in offering sexuality counselling services to their clients in an open and nonjudgmental way. The overarching goal is to contribute to the reduction of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in Kenya.
Developed with input from various stakeholders, this curriculum has come at a most appropriate time and will go a long way towards achieving the goal of effective reproductive health care for all Kenyans.
Dr. S. K. Sharif
Director of Public Health and Sanitation
Dr. Francis Kimani
Director of Medical Services