Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) continue to have huge impacts on all aspects of human development across the world. ICTs enable the capture of large quantities of information, and help speed up the processing and communication of the information. In the process, ICTs bring efficiency and effectiveness in executing and accomplishing tasks. ICTs, as core enabling tools, are key to economic growth.
In addition, it is now open knowledge that future societies will be knowledge-based. In this view, the winners will be those that effectively leverage on relevant information in decision- making. As a country and sector, we are committed to make our contribution towards mak- ing Kenya a knowledge-based nation.
The ICT sector has been challenged to make its contribution to the nation’s economic growth through job creation and enhancement of public service delivery. This can only be realized through a systematic approach to harnessing the power of ICTs. The ICT Master Plan entails the definition, design and implementation of plans and programmes with clear measures and targets that lead towards attainment of set goals.
The National ICT Master Plan lays out the plans with clarity. It defines how the government, working through the ICT Authority, will attain the set economic targets, e.g. the creation of more 180,000 jobs and 8% contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2017. The plans pertain to the laws, regulations and policies, as well as infrastructure and human capital development.
The ICT Master Plan clearly identifies roles for both the public and private sectors in realiz- ing the anticipated targets. This is in realization that neither government nor private sector alone would realize the set objectives. A collaborative approach is essential and the Minis- try of Information, Communication and Technology (MoICT) is committed to
ensure that collaboration happens.
Well-laid out plans make sense to the extent that they are properly implemented. The Government, working through the ICT Authority, is committed to ensuring proper governance structure to realize implementation of the ICT Master Plan. We will provide the necessary support and resources to the ICT Authority in the implementation of this plan.
Our country has been well-rated in the way it has implemented ICTs and tapped these for economic development. We are seen as a leader in innovation on the African continent and hence the brand Silicon Savannah. It is the government’s commitment to realize that brand promise, in part, through this ICT Master Plan.