Environment and natural resources in Kenya are valuable national assets that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. They offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development and improved livelihoods as well as provision of environmental goods and services.
There are many environmental issues and challenges facing the country. The drivers of environmental degradation are high rates of population growth, use of inappropriate technologies, unsustainable consumption and production patterns as well as poverty. This has led to changes in the relationship between people and ecosystems. If this trend is left to continue it will lead to further serious environmental degradation that will perpetuate deprivation and poverty. Emerging global environmental concerns such as climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion and loss of biodiversity aggravate the situation.
Education for Sustainable Development is one of the tools for attaining sustainable development in Kenya through appropriate learning, capacity-building programmes and development of skills in sustainable use of resources at all levels. This will inculcate environmental values among the citizenry aimed at influencing informed decisions on various aspects. In turn, this will improve the quality of learning through better understanding of natural, social and economic processes.
This policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions responding to key educational issues and challenges. It seeks to re-orient education to ensure that the citizenry attain life-long learning principles towardssustainabledevelopment. ThePolicyisdividedintosixchapters.
Chapter one underscores the importance and contribution of education as a tool for achieving sustainable development. The chapter also looks at the existing policy instruments, rationale and justification for ESD policy. The policy formulation process is also discussed. Chapter two highlights the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Kenya. Chapter three spells out the goal, objectives and guiding principles of this Policy. Chapter four outlines specific policy statements covering four main areas; improve quality of education at all levels; reorient education at all levels for sustainable development; enhance public understanding and awareness of sustainable development; and build capacity for sustainable development. Chapter five provides the implementation framework and process based on the legislative processes and the national ESD policy
The policy has a provision for a system-wide monitoring and evaluation framework that proposes a multi-stakeholder monitoring team, annual review and a comprehensive evaluation after a five years cycle to measure progress and facilitate informed decision making.