Kericho Annual. Development Plan FY 2017-2018

By Academia Kenya Team
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  • Create Date August 1, 2016
  • Last Updated November 26, 2019

Kericho Annual. Development Plan FY 2017-2018

The annual development plan outline, policies, projects and programmes that will be implemented in the financial year 2017/2018 in order to contribute towards Kericho County vision of providing high quality life for residents. The annual development plan is prepared annually to guide departments, non- governmental organizations, civil society organizations, private sectors and development partners on what the county government intends to do in each financial year. The plan forms the basis of preparing the budget for the same financial year. In addition, the plan is useful in tracking the achievements at the end of the financial year.

The plan is divided into four chapters: chapter one has a brief introduction of the county in terms of Location, Size, Physiographic and Natural Conditions, Administrative and Political units and Demographic Features; The county covers a total area of 2,479 sq. km with a population of 758,339 as per 2009 National Population and Housing Census and is projected to be 926,237 by the end of plan period taking into consideration of a growth rate of 2.5% per annum. Chapter two provides the County development analysis. The plan reviews the previous year‟s performance, the major development challenges and cross-cutting issues that affect the development of the county. Chapter three presents details of projects and programmes derived from Kericho County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017) that will be implemented in the financial period 2016/2017. It also give the name of the project, objectives, targets and description of activities for each department. Chapter four presents the monitoring and evaluation framework that will be used at the county level to track progress on implementation of projects and programmes. An indicative matrix detailing projects and programmes, costing, implementing agencies as well as monitoring tools and indicators based on projects and programmes identified in chapter three.

The implementation of this document depends entirely on the cooperation and commitment of all the stakeholders in the county. I trust that this document will be disseminated widely and be used as a reference point in allocation and identification of projects to be implemented in the financial year 2017/2018 in order for the county to achieve its goal.

Hon. Patrick Mutai
County Executive Committee Member, Finance and Economic Planning

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