Elgeyo Annual Development Plan FY 2018-2019

By Academia Kenya Team
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  • Create Date June 1, 2018
  • Last Updated November 26, 2019

Elgeyo Annual Development Plan FY 2018-2019

This ADP is the first policy document for 2018/19 Financial Year’s budget calendar. It will be the first plan to be implemented under the second generation CIDP, 2018-2022whose preparation was done concurrently during the CIDP preparation ward public participation forum. From the public participation forums, the public did propose their most felt priorities which formed the contents of the priority programs/projects initiatives to be implemented in the 2018/19 financial year.

ADP links policy, planning and budgeting and highlights the strategic objectives of the relevant programs/projects aimed at transforming lives, empowering citizens and improving socio-economic welfare of the county’s citizenry. Some of the strategic objectives being focused on include: improvement of agricultural productivity; opening of rural areas through road construction, ensuring ease of access of goods and services; and increasing irrigation and water supply services in the county.

The preparation of this ADP benefitted from the able leadership of HE the Governor, Deputy Governor and my fellow County Executive Members. Equally, we received support and contributions from Economic planning staff, departmental monitoring and evaluation focal point personsand other departments’ officials. We greatly value their support and I would like to extend my appreciation to everyone.


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