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- Create Date January 1, 2018
- Last Updated March 22, 2020
Baringo County is now in its 2nd phase of transformation to- wards becoming the most attractive, competitive and resil- ient County that affords the highest standard of living and security for the people of Baringo. The theme of the CIDP for the period 2018-2022 is “transformational agenda for the people of Baringo County through focused investment in all sectors of the economy.” The 2nd CIDP has been de- veloped following the gains, challenges, and lessons learnt, and experiences during the implementation of the 1st CIDP for the period 2013 - 2017.
During the next five year Baringo County will have to deal with great changes in the external scenario while improving and upgrading the County’s do- mestic conditions. It is for this reason that the County presents its priorities and implementa- tion framework while embracing the national government’s Big-Four Agenda of achieving uni- versal healthcare, food security and affordable housing, and manufacturing in the County. The five year plan underscores the need to undertake programs and policies that will augment the County’s capacity to realize the national longer-term agenda of being competitive, industrial- ized, and middle income economy with a sustained GDP growth of 10 percent per annum by the year 2030. Focus will be on youth and women empowerment and poverty alleviation. The plan resonates well with the local, national, regional and international plans and obligations that the County and the Country has ratified. The integrated approach will transform the lives
of the people of Baringo through sustained economic growth and shared prosperity.
Central to successful implementation of the 2nd generation CIDP is the translation of the plans into tangible programmes and results. Preeminence on plan implementation is capacity prior- ities including monitoring and evaluation, and resource mobilization and allocation frame- work. For us to achieve the objectives of the 2nd generation CIDP all parties in the County – the public sector, development partners, the civil society and the people must take ownership of the process, and must fulfil their respective roles. The county must remain united and sup- portive of the county’s initiatives in order to enjoy the gains from its implementation.
The CIDP is indeed formulated after extensive consultation with key stakeholders’ snd profes- sionals of Baringo County in a fair and balanced manner. I wish to express deep gratitude and appreciation for the cooperation, support given by all concerned and partners. I do believe that such spirit of cooperation and partnership will continue to be strengthened throughout the implementation period. I call upon all citizens and partners to work with me in making the 2nd CIDP for Baringo County a great success.
His Excellency Hon. Stanley Kiptis Governor, Baringo County
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