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- Create Date August 1, 2018
- Last Updated March 22, 2020
The 2019/2020 Baringo County Annual Development Plan (ADP) is formulated in the model of the current Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The Plan is prepared in line with the requirements of Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012, and in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution. The Annual Plan contains the strategic priority development policies, programmes and projects that will be implemented during the financial year 2019/2020.
The Budget preparation process in the Medium Term, adopted the Programme Based Budgeting approach, where the sector working groups in the county formulated their respective sectors’ budget proposals, policies and programmes with clear outputs, outcomes as well as performance indicators which are related to the achievement of the programme objectives. This annual plan is therefore framed against a broad fiscal policy and reform measures underpinning the budget for the 2018/19 Financial Year, which outlines expenditure per priority programmes as well as allocation of resources to all sectors of the County economy.
Significant proportion of the County’s budget shall be financed through National Government funding while it is expected that the County Government and development partners shall bridge the gaps.
The preparation of the annual plan made reference to key County and National Government Policy documents ie Vision 2030, SDGs and the Baringo County Integrated Development Plan (2018– 2022), the Third Medium Term Plan (2018 – 2022) and Vision 2030, the approved County Programme Based Budget (PBB) 2018/2019. Therefore, the input of the ADP and its reparation was a culmination of collaborative efforts that involved stakeholders in both government and outside.
The Annual Development Plan is expected to provide the feedback necessary for carrying out the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes so as to enable informed evidence-based decision-making organs at the County as well as National level. It is also expected that successful implementation of the projects/programmes, contained in this Annual Plan will contribute to better delivery of County goods and services, employment creation, faster economic growth, well as poverty reduction in the County.
This CADP was also developed in considering the manifesto of the new administration and the incoming County Assembly after 2017general elections.
Hon. Dr. David Sergon
C.E. Member Treasury and Economic Planning
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