Baringo County 3rd Quarter Budget Implementation Status Report FY 2016 -2017 (2017)
By Academia Kenya Team- Version
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- Create Date March 31, 2017
- Last Updated March 21, 2020
It is with great pleasure that we present to you third quarter budget implementation report for the financial year 2016/17. This report provides information and achievements of various departments and entities of the County Government.. It highlights the performance of both recurrent and development expenditures by the county departments and other entities.
This report is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 166, Sub-Section 4(a, b) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which states that: the county treasury shall consolidate all the quarterly reports from County Government entities and submit them to the County Assembly and deliver copies to office of the Controller of Budget, National Treasury and the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA).
The report appreciates both the financial and non-Financial performance of each department and sections as well as governance aspects of the county government. In order to have successful implementation of budget by the County Government, there is need to put in place strong social and accountability systems.
I have no doubt the report will be useful in gauging the budget implementation of the departments and improvement of efficiency and effectiveness in public finanacial management. This report is intended to create awareness in budget implementation among all the stakeholders.
The report is intended to inform stakeholders, policy makers, analysts and members of the public on the progress made in implementation of FY 2016/17 County Government budgets. I take this opportunity to urge all citizens to take interest in public finanical management matters.
In particular, I urge stakeholders to actively scrutinise this report in order and do necessary action towards enchancement of transparency and accountability in the management of public recources as enshrined in the constitution and PFM Act, 2012. This will go a long way in providing feedback towards efficient and effective service delivery and attainment of the County Government’s objectives.
Geoffrey K. Bartenge
County Executive for Finance and Economic Planning Baringo County Treasury
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