Building Bridges to a United Kenya: from a nation of blood ties to a nation of ideals

The Building Bridges to Unity Advisory Presidential Taskforce has submitted this report which reflects some of the most extensive public consultations ever undertaken by a similar body in Kenyan history. The Taskforce visited all 47 Counties, and it heard from an inclusive group of citizens from every Constituency that paid attention to gender, ethnic and…

Executive Order No. 1 of 2016 Organisation of Government

The Government will be organized in line with the Constitution of Kenya as outlined herein. This Order contains portfolio responsibilities and changes made in the structure of Government. The Order supersedes Executive Order No 2/2013.

TP Report of The Presidential Task force on Parastatal Reforms

review of global good practice in countries with similar development challenges as Kenya identifies five roles for Government Owned Entities (GOEs) in the national development effort. First, government owned entities are important in promoting or accelerating economic growth and development. Second, these entities are critical to building the capability and technical capacity of the state…