MF Medium Term Debt Management Strategy 2012-2015 (June 2012)

The Government borrowing requirement and the level of public debt has been consistent with the overall fiscal framework supporting macro-economic stability for sustainable growth over the medium term. It is anchored on the Medium Term Debt Strategy (MTDS) revised annually and tabled in Parliament as part of the documents supporting Budget Estimates. The Government debt…

MPHS and MMS Strengthening Health Service Delivery 2012

This is a report of the Taskforce that was established through the Return to Work Formula signed on 12th December 2011 to look into the Strengthening of Health Service Delivery following the doctors’ strike. The Task Force had twelve members: six from the Union and six from the Government with a provision that the latter…

MOH Kenya Nursing Workforce Report The Status of Nursing in Kenya 2012

In Kenya, nurses provide the bulk of direct patient care at all levels of health services delivery. The Kenya Nursing Workforce Report is the first of its kind, providing a comprehensive overview of the status of nursing in Kenya. The report provides county level data on trends in Kenya’s nursing workforce to inform health systems…

MSPNDV Sessional Paper No 10 of 2012 on Kenya Vision 2030

Under the guidance of the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS), the Kenyan economy has recovered and resumed the path to rapid growth. The economy is expected to grow by more than 6 per cent in 2007 from 0.6 per cent in 2002. The growth has been widely distributed, covering all economic…

MSPNDV Sessional Paper No 3 of 2012 on Population Policy for National Development

The Kenya government has since independence recognised that population management is key in realization of sustained socio-economic development. Over time the Government has developed a number of population policies, strategies and programmes to address population management challenges. This Population Policy for National Development succeeds Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2000 on National Population Policy for…

MMS Sessional Paper No 7 of 2012 on the Policy on Universal Health Coverage in Kenya

rticle 43 of the Kenyan Constitution states that every Kenyan has a right to quality and affordable health care, including reproductive health; it further states that no Kenyan can be denied access to emergency health services when in need. The implication of this article is that barriers to health care services of whatever kind will…

ME and MHEST Sessional Paper No 14 of 2012 on Reforming Education and Training in Kenya

Education is seen as the primary means of social mobility, national cohesion and socio- economic development. Since independence the Government of Kenya has been committed to the provision of education to her citizens. Kenya like other parts of the world has experienced the impact of globalisation, increasing inter-dependence between and within states and the need…

MEMR Kenya Wetlands Atlas 2012

Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems in Kenya. The integrity of the country’s water resources and agricultural productivity is sustained by our wetlands. They are nutrient rich and productive most of the year. During the dry seasons, wetlands are the only places where the local communities are able to access quality pasture and their edges…