MOH Kenya Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2013-2017 (draft)

The development of the Kenya Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2013-2017 is guided by the Kenya’s Vision 2030. It acknowledges that improved health is a critical driver to the achievement of this vision. Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a globally competitive and prosperous country with a high quality of life by…

MDP Strategic Plan 2013-2018 (2013)

The Kenya government strongly believes in accelerated development and more efficient delivery of public services to the people of Kenya, with an emphasis on youth, women and previously marginalised groups and regions. For this reason, it has adopted the Second Medium Term Plan of the Kenya Vision 2030, and under it, every ministry is required…

MICT Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology Strategic Plan 2013-2017

The long-term strategic vision for the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) sector is well articulated in the Kenya Vision 2030, the country’s long-term development plan. This plan is being interpreted and implemented through subsequent five-year medium term plans. According to Vision 2030, the BPO sub-sector alone is projected to generate over 20,000 job opportunities and…

ICT Authority Strategic Plan 2013-2018

he ICTA Strategic Plan represents an important step towards the transformation of the Government ICT Services. The mandate of ICTA is to facilitate and regulate the design and implementation of ICTs in the public service, integrating the plans of all agencies, to recommend collaboration, consolidation and to direct government departments to adopt government ICT initiatives.…

MEy Updated Least Cost Power Development Plan 2013-2033 (March 2013)

Kenya Vision 2030 envisions an improved economic growth of 10% per annum by the year 2015. This growth will be supported by three pillars: Political, Social and Economic. Electricity consumption has a strong correlation to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and therefore a multiplier effect on the economic pillar. Thus the country requires to…

MEWNR National Environment Policy 2013

Environment and natural resources in Kenya are valuable national assets that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. They offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services. Despite being the foundation on which sustainable development is anchored, there are…

MLSSS Sessional Paper No 4 of 2013 on Employment Policy and Strategy for Kenya

Kenya aspires to become a globally competitive country offering high quality of life to all her citizens by the year 2030. Indeed, the social, economic and political pillars of the Kenya Vision 2030 are anchored on existence of a skilful, productive, competitive and adaptive human resource base. Further, the Constitution advocate for decent work, whereby…

MEMR National Climate Change Action Plan 2013-2017

n recognition of the serious threats posed by climate change my Government has taken and continues to take bold measures to secure the country’s development against the risks and impacts of climate change. The Constitution of Kenya provides for maintenance of at least ten per cent tree cover of the land area. The Kenya Vision…