Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) continue to have huge impacts on all aspects of human development across the world. ICTs enable the capture of large quantities of information, and help speed up the processing and communication of the information. In the process, ICTs bring efficiency and effectiveness in executing and accomplishing tasks. ICTs, as core enabling…
At the time of independence in 1963 Poverty, disease, and ignorance were identified as some of the critical challenges facing the new nation of Kenya. While an appreciable degree of success has been achieved in the areas such as education, progress in reducing poverty and providing healthcare has been at a more modest degree. Fifty…
Forest resources in our country are valuable natural endowment that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. Forest resources offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services such as watershed protection and carbon sequestration. Kenya’s forest sector has experienced…
An Act of The National Assembly to provide for the establishment, development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational utilisation of all forest resources for the socio-economic development of the country.
Kenya’s second National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP II: 2005-2010) defined a new approach to the way the sector would deliver health care services to Kenyans, using the Kenya Essential Package for Health (KEPH) and community involvement approaches. To operationalize community involvement in the community health strategy, the document, “Taking the Kenya Essential Package for…
Data and information is critical in bringing out issues and forms part of the strategic, tactical and operational resource distribution. It gives managers an opportunity to strengthen gains realized and provide remedy to areas of weaknesses it highlights. In this breath, education statistics should present facts to help improve the sector’s performance. This can only…
The Government is committed to the improvement of access and equity to essential health care services and to ensure that the health sector plays its role in the realization of the Kenya Vision 2030. As a signatory to the Millennium Development Goals, Kenya has expressed its commitment to the achievement of these goals. Other guiding…