MOH Implementation Framework for Home and Communit-Based Care in Kenya 200

The preparation of this Home- and Community-Based Care Implementation Framework has come at a time when the Ministry of Health is shifting its focus through the Community Strategy towards strengthening health care provision at level 1 (the community – villages, households, families, individuals). HCBC is an integral part of the Ministry’s Community Strategy. Care for…

MOH National Guidance on Voluntary Male Circumcision in Kenya 2008

The Ministry of Health recognizes that heterosexual transmission is the most common mode of transmission of HIV in our set-up and the government priorities should reflect this reality. The Ministry has been at the forefront in scaling up prevention and treatment programmes for HIV/AIDS. As we seek to diversify the prevention efforts, we wish to…

MOH National Guidelines for Provision of Adolescent Youth-Friendly Service in Kenya 2005

Young people, persons aged 10-24 years, constitute 36 percent of our total population. Today’s young people have diverse experiences given the different political, economic, social and cultural realities they face in their communities. Young people today face many reproductive health challenges, which include sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, unsafe abortion, school dropout, harmful…