ME Transformation of Higher Education and Training in Kenya/ Securing Kenya’s Development in the Knowledge Economy (Kinyanjui Report)(August 2006)

The Public Universities Inspection Board (PUIB) was appointed by His Excellency the President on April 19, 2005. The appointment of the Board provided Kenyans with a unique window of opportunity to reflect on the current status of higher education and how it should be transformed into a sector that enables them to realize individual and…

Report of the National Committee on Educational Objectives and Policies (The Gachathi Report, 1976)

The Report of the National Committee on Educational Objectives and Policies (The Gachathi Report, 1976), focused on redefining Kenya’s educational policies and objectives, giving consideration to national unity, and economic, social and cultural aspirations of the people of Kenya. It resulted in Government support for ‘Harambee’ schools and also led to establishment of the National…