Mandera County Administration Act, 2014

AN ACT of the County Assembly of Mandera to provide for the structure of the County Government Administration and the delineation and establishment of settlement, sub-village, villages and decentralized units to give effect to the provisions of devolution under the County Governments Act, 2012 and Paragraph 14 of Part II of the Fourth Schedule to…

Baringo County Budget Review and Outlook Paper FY 2013-2014 (2014)

This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP), prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 is the first to be prepared by the County Government It presents the recent economic developments and actual fiscal performance of the FY 2013/2014 and makes comparisons to the budget appropriations for the same year. It further…

2014 Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (2014)

FOREWORD This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (BROP), prepared in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act, 2012 is the Second to be prepared by the County Government. It presents the recent economic developments and actual fiscal performance of the FY 2013/2014 and outlook of the FY2014/15 & 2015/16. The Paper also provides an…