The Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012, sets out the fiscal responsibility principles to ensure prudency and transparency in the management of public resources. Section 15 of the PFM Act states that over the medium term, at least 30% of the budget shall be allocated to development expenditure. It further requires that each county shall…
Kericho County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2016
Bomet County Medium Term County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2016
In the 2017 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFPS), we set our policy priorities for implementation over a three year period. The policy mix comprised of a transformative five pillar strategy aimed at transforming our county as follows: Creating conducive business environment in order to encourage innovation, investment, growth and expansion of economic and employment opportunities…
The Constitution of Kenya 2010 created two levels of Government; National and County Governments. Article 220(2) of the Constitution makes it mandatory for every County to prepare Development Plans. Following the principles stated in the constitution, development planning at the Counties should be based on national values, equity, resource mobilization and concerns of the minorities…
Bomet County Medium Term Expenditure Framework April 2016
Bomet County Medium Term Expenditure Framework April 2015