Baringo County Integrated Development Plan, CIDP FY 2018-2022

Baringo County is now in its 2nd phase of transformation to- wards becoming the most attractive, competitive and resil- ient County that affords the highest standard of living and security for the people of Baringo. The theme of the CIDP for the period 2018-2022 is “transformational agenda for the people of Baringo County through focused…

Nairobi City County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2019

The objective of the 2019 County Budget Review and Outlook Paper is to provide a review of the fiscal performance in the financial year 2018/2019 and how this impacts the financial objectives and fiscal responsibility principles. This together with updated macroeconomic outlook provides a basis for the revision of the budget in the context of…

Kisii County Finance Act 2017

AN ACT of the County Assembly of Kisii, to provide for the various levies, fees and charges for services, and for other revenue raising measures by the County Government and for matters incidental thereto.