Since 2010, there has been a new dispensation in the governance structures in Kenya at the National and county levels following the promulgation of Constitution of Kenya, 2010 (CoK, 2010). Article 43 (1) (b) of the Constitution states that “every person has a right to accessible and adequate housing and to reasonable standards of sanitation”. Further, in Article 21 (2) “the State shall take legislative, policy and other measures, including the setting of standards, to achieve the progressive realization of the rights guaranteed under article 43.” Given that Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2004 on National Housing Policy was formulated before promulgation of the Constitution, it became necessary to review it. In addition, there has been the widening gap between demand and supply of affordable housing hence the need to come up with innovative mechanisms of bridging the gap.
The process of reviewing and aligning the National Housing Policy, 2004 to the Constitution by sector stakeholders begun in 2012 and culminated in a national symposium held on 26th June 2013 during which stakeholders adopted the document. The reviewed National Housing Policy (Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2016) is now ready for adoption by Parliament.
The reviewed National Housing Policy, 2016 is based on views and expert opinions collected and collated through a structured all-inclusive and consultative process that brought together Housing Sector Stakeholders drawn from the public, private and civil society organizations. The broad based process of consultations was done through the National Habitat Committee that involved various thematic groups focusing on Land Use Planning and Management, Disaster Management, Environmental Sustainability, Housing Infrastructure, Social Housing, Financial Resources, Appropriate Building Materials and Technologies, Research and Information, Estates Management and Maintenance, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Institutional and Legislative Framework. The inputs from these thematic groups were consolidated and refined with further inputs being incorporated after the National Stakeholder’s Forum.
In addition, various sectoral policies and strategic plans that have been developed by other government ministries and agencies were consulted to ensure that the reviewed Housing Policy recommendations are relevant and consistent with other legislative frameworks including the Constitution, Kenya Vision 2030 and Real Estates Investment Trusts (REITs) regulations among others.