Our country’s long term development blue print, Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into an industrialized middle income country offering a high quality of life to all our citizens. The Vision is being implemented through successive five-year medium term plans. This Third Medium Term Plan (MTP III) 2018-2022 succeeds the Second MTP (MTP II) 2013-2017 which implemented the policies, programmes and projects of my first administration as outlined in the Jubilee Manifesto “Agenda for Kenya 2013-2017 and Beyond”.
As with its predecessor, this Plan has been aligned with the Jubilee Manifesto 2017, with particular focus on implementing policies, programmes and projects designed to achieve the “Big Four” initiatives of my Second Administration. These are: Industrialization, Manufacturing and Agro-processing; Affordable Housing; Food and Nutrition Security; and Universal Health Coverage. Implementation of these four initiatives will not only support higher economic growth and faster job creation, but also reduce the high cost of living affecting many of our people.
We made considerable progress during MTP II period, most notably in development and modernisation of infrastructure, improved security, human resource development, job creation, expanding access to affordable health care, and in modernizing our public services. During this Plan period, we will build on these foundations and successes to continue our country’s transformation and modernization in order to create more quality jobs, raise the living standards of every Kenyan, end inequality and lift more Kenyans out of poverty.
Furthermore, we will continue developing our nation’s transport, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and energy infrastructure to attract global industry and create high quality and hi-tech jobs. We will maintain a stable macro-economic environment and pursue policies that support high, rapid and inclusive economic growth, ensure price stability and sustainable debt levels. Trade with our traditional markets will be expanded and new markets for our goods and services established. In addition, the financial sector will be strengthened to ensure that entrepreneurs and investors are supported with affordable credit and other financial services.
Employment creation is at the heart of my Second Administration. During the Plan period, my Government will put in place comprehensive strategies and programmes to create at least 6.5 million jobs. This will be achieved by expanding the manufacturing sector to increase its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 9.2 per cent in 2017 to 15 per cent and increasing agro-processing to at least 50 per cent of total agricultural production. We plan to accelerate growth in manufacturing through the establishment of Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks, creating an additional 1,000 manufacturing SMEs and providing them with access to affordable capital, training and skills enhancement, access to markets and establishing at least one industry in each county.
In the next five years we will also put in place measures to create over 1 million online jobs for our youths through the on-going Ajira Digital Programme. We will strengthen the institutional framework to support creative arts so that the industry can generate wealth and jobs for our youth.
The development of the oil and other mineral resources sector and expansion of infrastructure projects, including the targeted construction of at least 500,000 affordable houses across the country are further expected to increase job creation over the Plan period. Food and nutrition security will be largely enhanced through investments in irrigation, affordable farm inputs, and development of the Blue Economy.
We will continue to give priority to inclusive and quality education to nurture a globally competitive workforce to drive economic growth and spur job creation. In this regard, we will restructure and modernise our education system to ensure that our graduates are competitive in the 21st century labour market. Measures will also be taken to expand and equip Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutions and polytechnics to improve the quality and quantity of the middle level workforce, while at the same time aligning the curriculum with industry needs.
My Administration will ensure that every citizen has access to the best possible health care at the most affordable price, including enhancing health care programmes for mothers and children. We will also provide dignified support to the elderly and persons with disability through enhancing and expanding our social protection programmes.
In the course of implementing this Plan, my Government will sustain the momentum in reforming our public sector through among others, digitization of all government services by expanding and delivery of e-government services, and strengthening policy, legal and institutional frameworks for devolution. In addition, my Government will support the strengthening of the Judiciary, improving governance and the rule of law, and the fight against corruption.