HIV and AIDS has posed a great challenge in the world while affecting the Human Resource that nations rely on for sustainable development. It affects people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years, who constitute the most productive workforce. The loss of skilled manpower, wasted man hours and declining individual wellness amongst other socio- economic challenges have an enormous impact on the national and organizational productivity.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry which is mandated to promote, conserve, protect and sustainably manage the Environment and Forestry for National Development has a great role in contributing to the realization of the Kenya Vision 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework (KASF) and the Big 4 Agenda among other key national plans. It is against this backdrop that the Ministry seeks to address human resource issues that arise from HIV & AIDS such as prevention, stigma, discrimination and gender disparities through this Policy. The Policy stimulates safe and healthy work environment and fair labour practices.
This Policy has been developed in recognition of various legal and regulatory instruments designed to combat the HIV & AIDS pandemic nationally and globally. These include the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Sexual Offences Act 2006, the HIV & AIDS Prevention and Control Act 2006, Employment Act 2007 and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2007 as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Code of Practice on HIV and AIDS.
The Policy provides guidance for the AIDS Control Unit, the Sub- AIDS Control Unit including managers who deal with the day-to-day HIV and AIDS related issues. It strives to address problems that arise within the workplace and also outlines employee’s rights, responsibilities and expected behaviour. The strategies outlined in this Policy aim to minimize and mitigate the effects of the pandemic in the Ministry, Departments and Agencies so as to provide greater efficiency in service delivery.
I acknowledge the contribution and support of our Principal Secretary, the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) and State Department of Public Service and Youth (SDPSY) in the development and production of this Policy.