Min. ICT, Innov. and Youth AffairsNational GovermentSenate

Senate Committee on ICT Deliberates on Draft Data Protection Regulations

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The Senate Committee on ICT, Chaired by Sen. Gideon Moi, has just completed a three day workshop with the Ministry of ICT, led by the CS Mucheru, where discussions revolved around the consideration of the draft Data Protection Regulations (2021).

The scope of the Regulations touched on:

  1. Enabling the rights of the data subject
  2. Restriction on the commercial use of Personal Data
  3. Obligations of Data Controllers and Data Processors
  4. Data Protection by Design or Default
  5. Notification of personal Data Breaches
  6. Transfer of personal Data outside Kenya
  7. Conduct of Data Protection impact Assessment
  8. Provision of Exemptions under the Act.

Senators in attendance were Vice Chair Sen. Ahalake, Sen Petronila Were, Sen. Kiio Wambua, Sen. Issa, Sen. Susan Kihika and Sen. John Nderitu.