Min. of HealthNational Goverment

Ministry of Health to build capacity of healthcare workers in areas of vaccine administration, logistics management, data capture, reporting and monitoring

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The Ministry of Health intends to build the capacity of more than 23,000 healthcare workers including 8,000 health volunteers in areas of vaccine administration, logistics management, data capture, reporting and monitoring.

The vaccination program is divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 – Kenya has prioritized the vaccination of 1.25 million people between February and June 2021 when it is expected that global vaccine stocks will be limited.

Phase 2 – During this phase (July 2021 to June 2022) and as more vaccines become available the plan is to vaccinate 9.7 million more Kenyans, targeting persons above 50 years of age and those above 18 years of age with underlying health conditions.

Phase 3 – This phase could run concurrently with phase 2 depending on availability of adequate vaccines. We hope to target the vaccination of 4.9 million people who will include all other vulnerable populations like those on congregate settings.