Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National Goverment

Uhuru Inspects On-going Construction of Mombasa-Kwa Jomvu Highway

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From Twitter/@jamesmacharia

Today H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta inspected the construction of the Mombasa to Kwa Jomvu highway. The Government is transforming this road into a 6-lane dual carriageway to ease congestion on this part of the Mombasa-Nairobi highway.

The Mombasa – Kwa Jomvu road expansion project includes 3 Grade separated intersections at Changamwe, Mikindani junction, and Kwa Jomvu, adjacent truck parking areas, and service lanes to improve accessibility to commercial and residential areas that are adjacent to the highway.

H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta also inspected construction of the Mombasa Southern Bypass which will connect the South Coast to the Kenyan hinterland, and thus obviate the need to use the Likoni ferry. This project includes 2 bridges and a viaduct with a total length of 2.8Km.