JubileePolitical PartiesSenate

CJ, Where Did you get the Timelines for Enacting of the Gender Rule – Murkomen

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From @kipmurkomen

Reacting to the Chief Justices advise to President Uhuru Kenyatta to dissolve Parliament for not enacting legislation to implement the one-third Gender rule as per the Constitution 2010.

I have questions for Chief Justice David Maraga. Art.261 (7) addresses instances where Parliament has failed to pass legislation to implement Constitution. The timelines for enacting various legislation is provided in Schedule V.None concerns gender rule. Where did you get the timelines?

To implement Gender rule you have to amend the Constitution itself not enact legislation. Where did you get power to advise dissolution where there is no provided obligation? How was Parliament expected to enact legislation to cure internal contradictions in the Constitution?

In other words to increase number of MPs for gender rule you must amend Art.97&98 which limits the number of MPs. There is no obligation on the part of MPs to AMEND the CONSTITUTION or face DISSOLUTION. If it was Act of Parliament I would understand. Constitutional amendment ? NO. — KipChumba Murkomen, Senator of Elgeyo Marakwet County