Min. of Sports Culture & HeritageMin. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National GovermentThe President

President Kenyatta Launches Safari Rally Action for Road Safety Campaign

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From Twitter/@AMB_A_Mohammed

H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta, today announced the inception of the Safari Rally Action for Road Safety Campaign.This project, will promote road safety, through education and the provision of protective gear to our motorists. Road traffic accidents and their associated injuries,cause death and disability around the world.Majority of these misfortunes,occur in developing countries affecting,low to middle-income individuals,many of them in their prime.

So far, 1000 young people have received road safety training and with many others, from the Bodaboda community, set to receive refresher riding skills and road use information. This legacy project has also attracted international partners; the FIA and the Hungarian Motorsport Development Agency (HUMDA), whose support, through the provision of 6,300 helmets to the bodaboda riders, will help in enhancing road safety within the country.

As the government fulfils it obligations in enhancing road safety, I must also emphasize the need for responsible road use amongst citizens. Let us be our brother’s keepers and promote safe road user behaviour.