JSC interviews the 10th and final shortlisted candidate for the CJ position, Advocate Alice Yano
From judiciary.go.ke
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) held its 10th and final interview session for the position of the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya. The interviews which began on April 12, 2021, saw a total of 10 shortlisted candidates appearing before the JSC panel.
They included seven male and three female candidates drawn from diverse professional backgrounds, that is, five serving Judges, three practicing advocates – two of them Senior Counsel, and two academics – one of them Senior Counsel. Two applicants are drawn from both the Court of Appeal and the Employment & Labour Relations Court, while one emanated from the High Court.
The first to appear before the panel was High Court Judge Said Juma Chitembwe, while the last and the 10th candiadte to be interviewed by the Prof Olive Mugenda-chaired panel, was lawyer Alice Jepkoech Yano. Others who faced the interview panel are Senior Counsel Prof Patricia Kameri Mbote, Court of Appeal Judge Martha Koome, ELRC Judge Marete Njagi, Senior Counsel Philip Murgor Kipchirchir, ELRC Judge Mathews Nduma Nderi, Senior Counsel Fredrick Ngatia, Court of Appeal Judge William Ouko Okello and Prof Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa.
Candidates were scheduled for the interviews in the alphabetical order of their surnames.

Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote Justice Said Juma Chitembwe Prof Moni Wekesa Justice William Ouko Senior Counsel Fredrick Ngatia Judge Mathews Nderi Senior Counsel Philip Murgor Justice Marete Njagi Justice Martha Koome