County GovernmentsSiaya County

Early Childhood Education Will Form Part of My Legacy – Rasanga

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Siaya County Governor His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth has today directed the Education CEC to employ and put on payroll new ECD teachers in a move to curb the growing demand for early childhood education in the county. The order which stands effective the coming financial year was exercised in accordance with the 2010 Constitution which devolved the early childhood education.

The Governor was speaking in Gem Sub-County, South Gem Ward during the launch of Ksh.6.8 million Dhene and Kaudha ECD centers where he further directed the Education CEC not to transfer the ECD teachers who have been working in their current centers to different locations. The new measures were supported by County Secretary Hon. Joseph Ogutu, Water Executive Eng. Adrian Ouma, Roads Executive Hon. Benard Mboha, Agriculture Executive Hon. Charles Ogada, South Gem MCA Hon. Audi and other county officials who accompanied the governor.

The county boss at the same time inspected two other ECD centers at Odendo and Akala which are 90% complete and will be launched in due time. He expressed optimism in education reiterating that he values the nursery school children and would not wish to receive reports that they are idling in the community despite the expansive county efforts in making ECD education accessible to all.

Rasanga further urged chiefs and their assistants to comb the villages and see to it that every child who has attained the minimum age for joining school is enrolled in the available institutions.

Education Executive Hon. Mary Olute maintained that she will abide by the directive of the governor so that teachers from the county can benefit from fruits of devolution. Already 638 ECD teachers have been employed. Alongside, the 2019/20 budget whose implementation starts in July will see more teachers employed as stated by the governor.

Ms. Olute noted that of the 700 ECD centers in the county, 200 have been constructed by the county government. 174 have been equipped with chairs and other learning materials and the department is still negotiating with Juakali artisans in Siaya to manufacture the materials for the remaining 26 centers.

She urged ECD teachers, women and youths to continue pursuing further education for a better future as she asked the locals to embrace village polytechnics and utilize the Ksh.15,000 government capitation so as to acquire skills that are key to the realization of vision 2030.