Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National Goverment

Dates for Resumption of Madaraka Express and International Flights

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From @JamesMacharia_ CS James Macharia, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development

In line with H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Directives on the gradual reopening of the country, and after consultations with relevant stakeholders, we have formulated protocols to enhance safety in road, rail, and air transport, as we resume unfettered travel across Kenya.

With the new COVID-19 protocols in place, we will resume the Madaraka Express passenger service between Nairobi and Mombasa on Monday, 13th July 2020. Local air travel shall resume on 15th July, 2020, and international air travel is set to resume on 1st August, 2020.

The international travel protocols announced today will take effect only after the resumption of international flights, i.e. from 1st August 2020 as was directed by H.E. the President.

Download full International Flight Guidelines Here.