Author: Editor

Min. of HealthNational Goverment

Transforming Mental Healthcare Systems

The journey towards transforming mental health care systems in Kenya has gathered momentum following the launch of the Kenya Mental Health Action Plan (2021-2025). Ministry of Health Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Dr. Mercy Mwangangi who unveiled the 74-page document on behalf of Health Cabinet Secretary Senator Mutahi Kagwe, pointed out mental health remains an integral pillar in the country’s health system and social-economic development. She called for concerted efforts to boost mental health care systems through investment, dedication and planning for resources, coordination, oversight, awareness creation and advocacy.

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National GovermentThe PresidentVideo

Safaricom Will Help Transform Your Economy, President Kenyatta Tells Ethiopians

President Uhuru Kenyatta has told Ethiopians that the entry of Kenya’s technology giant Safaricom will help transform their country by positively impacting most sectors of the 112 million population economy. Using the example of Safaricom’s impact on the Kenyan economy over the years, President Kenyatta lauded Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed and his administration for choosing to liberalize the country’s telecommunications sector.

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Min of Interior and Coord Natl GovNational GovermentPictorialThe President

President Kenyatta Warns Leaders Fueling Inter-clan Conflicts

The Government will not tolerate leaders who fuel inter-clan conflicts and blame it on terrorism, President Uhuru Kenyatta has warned. “We intend to fight and we have fought Al-Shabaab. But we do not and will never allow leaders and individuals to use the name of Al-Shabaab to continue inter clan animosities and conflicts,” the President said.

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County GovernmentsSiaya County

The Embodiment of Successful Fish Farming in Siaya County

Dennis Onyango, a diploma graduate in General Agriculture is today living a life that had only existed in his dreams for a long period of time. In February 2010, Denis quit his station of employment in Uganda after five years to set up a fish pond in his Central Alego Ward in Siaya County. This initiative was judged as dead on arrival by many of his peers due to the uncertainties that are associated with it locally.

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