Author: Editor

JubileePolitical Parties

Degrees a Must in 2022

Article 99(1) of the Constitution provides that a person shall be eligible for election if the person satisfies education requirements prescribed by an Act of Parliament. Section 22 of the Elections Act No.24 of 2011 provides for the academic requirements for election to the position of the President, Governor, Members of Parliament and Members of County Assemblies.

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Judiciary and Law EnforcementODMPolitical Parties

Kenya Cannot Survive a Supremacy War Between its Institutions

One of the doctrines on which our constitutional order is built around is that of the “Separation of Powers.” The doctrine requires that the executive, legislative and judicial functions of government are held by different institutions and that none of the institutions interferes with the function of the other. Before we gave ourselves the 2010 Constitution, we had gone through an era where this doctrine had been abused and the Executive branch of government had interfered with the functions of the other branches, making democratic governance impossible.

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Min. of EducationNational GovermentPictorialThe President

Invest In Training That Supports CBC, President Kenyatta Tells Universities

President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked universities to invest in research and training that support Kenya’s new Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). “The Competence-Based Curriculum is a revolutionary step we took as a country to provide our learners with twenty-first-century practical skills relevant to the needs of the present world,” the President said.

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