County GovernmentsMachakos County

Machakos Prepared for Worst Case Scenario

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From @DrAlfredMutua

Machakos County Govenor Alfred Mutua congratulated his wonderful team for ensuring that Machakos is well prepared as the County combats Covid-19. The County has in place, 463 isolation beds and are expanding so as to get them to at least 700.

Yesterday, the Governor toured the ongoing expansion works of the Machakos Field Hospital at the Machakos Stadium which has, after his visit, started admitting Covid patients.

The Governor was pleased with the measures taken to ensure patients are comfortable including super thick and warm duvets, heaters, modern toilets and hot showers, a five-star hotel meal menu, televisions and expansive grounds for physical activities.

He inspected the beds, some of which have been made by Machakos Jua Kali fundis, and urged his team to continue buying locally made items so as to support our people and also raise standards of our manufacturing.

The Governor expressed concerned with the rising numbers of Covid-19 positive cases in the region, and especially in Mavoko sub county which accounts for about 90% of all positive cases. The County is taking measures to slow down the spread of the virus.

I am lucky to have the best health staff in the whole country. They are motivated, focused and work as a team to provide quality health care to all. You make me proud. You have made Machakos, Truly, the Place to Be. — Governor Dr Alfred Mutua