County GovernmentsKitui County

US Ambassador Visit to Kitui Factory Set to Rise County’s Manufacturing economy

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Thursday, November 7, 2019 Kitui Governor’s Press

The American Ambassador to Kenya Kyle McCarter today visited Kitui Textile Centre – the county modern garment manufacturing plant in a trip set to expand the county products’ foreign market. In his address to the Members of the Fourth Estate, Ambassador McCarter acclaimed the project as a key development that will significantly promote self-reliance among youths and women in the county. He commended the County Government for initiating the project saying the country’s future was depended on empowering the youths. “I thank you Governor for what you’ve done. The future of this country is in these young people” he said. The Ambassador said KICOTEC demonstrated the county’s ability to grow themselves adding that the project is a milestone for Kitui.

“You do not need us to make it. You’ve clearly demonstrated that you can “. He praised the project. Prior to his Nairobi assignment, Ambassador McCarter was a manufacturing entrepreneur in Lebanon, Illinois and has vast interests in business. Noting the need to create jobs for youths and women in the country, McCarter said the establishment of KICOTEC was a noble idea that other counties should match. “This project illustrates that Kenya shouldn’t only be a beneficiary of foreign aids but a benefactor in the industry”. He said. On her part, Governor Charity Ngilu noted that trade, investment, partnership and market ties with the US will take centre stage during her approaching Dallas visit that will explore the State’s apparel market.  State House has been pushing for an increase in Kenya’s export volumes under an agreement that grants duty-free access to US market for products exported by beneficiary sub-Saharan countries.