County GovernmentsMeru County

The Meru County ECDE Milk Programme Relaunch

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By Dollycate Kwaira

Governor Kiraitu today relaunched the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) milk programme at Kinoru Primary school to officially commission its supply for this academic year. The programme, which works to fulfill the Governor’s promise to provide quality education, is a partnership of the County Government of Meru, Meru Dairy and Tetra Pak. It entails provision of milk to children in their early childhood, to boost their nutrition and aid in brain development.

“My job as the Governor is to promote our people to make Meru great. The only way to do this is to promote education, and we should do everything we can for it. We give our school children milk so that they can grow well in body and spirit,” — Governor Kiraitu during the relaunch.

The Governor urged the MCAs to ensure the budgetary allocation for ECDE milk would not be affected by the slashed national allocation for the County.
The overjoyed children expressed their gratitude in their musical presentation. ” We have heard stories of Moi’s Nyayo Milk, but to us here milk is not a story but our reality because the governor loves us,” they sang.

The school was granted desks by Tetra Pak made from the recycled milk packets. In addition, the governor promised to repaint the school to make it beautiful and ensure a happy learning environment for the children.