Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National Goverment

Tarmacking of Brooke Bond – Chepnyogaa Road in Kericho County Near completion

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From @PDUDelivery

The tarmacking of Brooke Bond – Kaptebeswet– Chepnyogaa in Kericho county is nearing completion. Around 84 km of the 93km-long road have already been tarmacked and the entire project is expected to be complete in six months.

Residents along the road are already enjoying the expected benefits of easy access to markets and enhanced economic activities in the region. Landowners are also experiencing a significant rise in the value of their property along the road. The road is intended to decongest Kisumu road by creating an alternative route for motorists from Kaplong and Sotik to get to and from Kisumu by avoiding the busy Kericho- Kisumu road junction.