
Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National GovermentPictorialThe President

President Kenyatta Challenges Civilian Institutions To Emulate KDF’s Efficiency

President Uhuru Kenyatta has challenged civilians institutions to emulate the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) efficiency in public service delivery. The President noted that KDF had demonstrated good work ethic in their service to the nation, especially in the revival of key infrastructural and economic projects, saying their efficiency has saved the country large sums of money.

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County GovernmentsPictorialSiaya CountyThe PresidentVideo

President Kenyatta Commissions Road, Water Projects In Siaya County

President Uhuru Kenyatta has commissioned two key road and water projects in Siaya County. The President, who arrived in the region Sunday afternoon for a three-day working visit, officially opened the Shs1.6 billion Kodiaga-Wagai-Onyirore/Akala, and Nyangweso-Muhanda road circuit, and the Shs 2.4 billion Siaya-Bondo water supply and sanitation project.

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