Min of Interior and Coord Natl GovNational Goverment

Statement on Laikipia Security Situation

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From interior.go.ke

Today, Monday, 6th September, 2021 the National Security Council held  a meeting at State House Nairobi to review the security situation in parts of Laikipia County especially in the Laikipia Nature Conservancy and its environs.

During this meeting the NSC noted that the area has continued to witness insecurity as a result of rampant cattle rustling arising from competition for water and pastures, as well as a surge in illegal gun ownership which has escalated the violence.

Given this deteriorating security situation, the National Security Council chaired by H.E. the President has issued the following directives :

  1. Laikipia Nature Conservancy and its environs be immediately declared as a disturbed area and therefore a security operation zone.
  2. A security operation commences immediately to flush out all the illegal occupants of the Laikipia Nature Conservancy and its environs with a dusk (6pm) to dawn (6am) curfew being declared with immediate effect.
  3. All leaders including politicians, businessmen, public officers and others who have illegally moved their livestock into the conflict zone to remove the same from there within the next 48 hours.