County GovernmentsKirinyaga County

Statement by Gov. Waiguru on Senate Impeachment Report

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Press Release

The conclusion of my impeachment process today marks a remarkable and historic victory not only for me but for the people of Kirinyaga County.
It is profoundly clear that this impeachment process did not meet the required threshold and that it was all a choreographed plan of events that was aimed at tarnishing my name. BUT as I said before, I forgive the forces behind it.

The report’s findings did indeed reveal areas of improvement in administration by officers and need for better checks and balances. I would like to assure Kirinyaga residents that this will not go unaddressed and that the necessary changes and improvements will be made to both human resource and systems with the aim of improving service delivery to the people of Kirinyaga.

That said, I call upon the County Assembly to own up to their failures and play their part in ensuring that we move Kirinyaga forward. Rather than prioritizing funds to projects such as building of MCAs offices, they should prioritize allocation of funds for Covid- 19 management and healthcare projects as proposed by the executive. We have much to do and little time to achieve it. My government remains ready and willing to work with like-minded individuals committed to the service of Kirinyaga residents.

To the people of Kirinyaga, I would like to assure you that this long drawn politically instigated process has in no way affected my commitment to serve you. On the contrary I am more resolved to ensure that you get the service you deserve. It is unfortunate that the political innuendos have robbed you of your right to receive service from your leaders but I assure you that I will do my best to ensure that the Kirinyaga Rising vision is achieved. As renowned American political scientist Ralph Bunche said… “To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up!” I assure you that I will not let up on my commitment to serve you.

To Kenyans at large, I know that we live in a day and age where sensational reporting especially through social media takes the day-but I urge us not to lose sight of TRUTH. Just because a lie repeated severally sounds like the truth, it DOES NOT in any way change the truth.

As I said before, my woes are solely because of my stand for BBI and support for the Handshake between His Excellency the President of Kenya Uhuru and Former Prime Minister Hon. Raila Odinga. I will not stop my support or change my commitment to what will be for the betterment of our children, for women and the country as a whole. We must continue our quest for a better Kenya, whatever the price will be. I am determined to play my role, I hope you all do.

In conclusion, allow me to take this opportunity to thank the Almighty God for His guidance and protection throughout this process. Indeed, There is God in Heaven.

I would also like to thank the Honorable Senate Committee who adjudicated the matter in a fair manner affirming that justice is indeed our shield and defender. I am grateful to my able team of lawyers who tirelessly perused volumes of evidence in rebuttal to the allegations raised against me and ably proved that none of them was in any way true.

Special thanks to my Husband who has been amazingly supportive throughout this process. A friend of mine recently said that there are husbands from heaven and then there are husbands who come walking. You are definitely one from heaven.

To the Members of Kirinyaga County Assembly who stood by me, my family and friends, I thank you all.

Ann Waiguru, E.G.H, OGW