County GovernmentsKirinyaga County

Press Statement by Gov. Waiguru on Impeachment Motion Table by County Assembly

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From @Anne Waiguru

It is unfortunate that at a time when the country, indeed the whole world, is focused on dealing with the Corona health pandemic, some MCAs from Kirinyaga County have opted to dwell on pettiness and political brinkmanship by filing a frivolous motion to impeach the Governor without foundation. The issues raised are so basic that they are an embarrassment to the constitution that they seek to protect and the County that elected these MCAs.

Firstly, I am alleged to have grossly violated the Constitution by not making a State of the County address to the Assembly. A casual reading of the Law would show that there is no requirement for such an address to be at the County Assembly. Such an address was given to the County Assembly in the first year in November 2018 and a similar one at the Kerugoya Hospital after the then health crisis, given publicly to the people of Kirinyaga on the 12th of September, 2019 and the Assembly duly notified.

Secondly, the alleged travel imprests for trips abroad that I apparently did not go. A casual check of the County government would indicate that where any such imprests exist they were surrendered in the normal manner as required by Public Service regulations.

Thirdly, several tenders were mentioned, but the nexus between my office and the tenders is not shown. There is not a single allegation of a personal benefit to me, my relatives, or friends. They are just thrown there for publicity and propaganda.

Fourthly, the vehicle alleged to have been bought without a tender, was bought under a government framework contract which is negotiated by the National Government Ministry of Public works; they should read up on what that means before alleging misappropriation.

Finally, they allege that the state of health in Kirinyaga has suffered. If they just took one day to go around all our health facilities, they would see that they [are] all fully staffed and working well. With all the challenges, these facilities have never been better. Our only concern is the Corona virus which may compromise even our best efforts. Yet we are being asked to leave our health focus all that and concentrate on dealing with petty issues.

Interestingly this impeachment is being presented at a time when all our staff are working from home and unable to prepare any defense due to government regulations on social distancing and working from home. This is the ultimate travesty, truth ultimately wins.

Every Kenyan knows what these kind of frivolous impeachment motions by MCAs are about. I will not concede to illegal requests for tenders and money. At whatever price.

As for those pulling the strings from outside the Assembly because of 2022 politics, time will find you out.